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FruitPlant based

Citrus Flavours & Zests

By July 19, 2019December 19th, 2024No Comments2 min read

Popular flavours this summer in beverages are citrus flavours. Lemon, Lime, mandarin, grapefruit and tangerine are all on trend with orange coming out on top. This is expected to increase into many different applications within the next year.

Orange beers feature bright orange as well as lime details along with accents of the real citrus peels. Also citrus flavoured gin has proved very popular with a huge range available. These new products consist of complete burst of the citrus flavours.

Another popular beverage this summer is Citrus Vodka to Benefit Health-Conscious Consumers. This is because Citrus flavoured vodka is mainly developed targeting the health-conscious consumers that are looking for less-alcohol intake options, claiming to be gluten-free and sugar-free as well.

In a recent study on citrus flavours, it is thought that a rapid increase in a new-range of the citrus flavours with optimal pricing and growing health awareness would positively impact on the growth and development of the overall citrus flavours market.

Kangrade can offer many different citrus flavours to suit all types of applications, please do not hesitate to contact our team of food scientists.